our core values

Goodness of God

The fundamental expression of God’s nature is that He is consistently and intentionally good to all people. He is always in a good mood.

Presence of God

The centerpiece of our body-life is to create an environment that invites The Holy Spirit to manifest himself in our midst, both naturally and supernaturally, so we both personally and corporately encounter The Living God. This expression is both in the church and outside the four walls.

Prophecy and Prayer

We are a community in intimate communication with God which means we are receiving and releasing revelation of what God is saying and therefore doing; testifying to the reality of Jesus; bringing heaven to earth through declaration and intercession; and expressing the Father’s heart toward all people. 

Healing and Salvation (Sozo)

It is God’s will to bring the fullness of healing, deliverance and salvation to spirit, soul, mind and body in order that we may all experience the true love, joy and peace of God. This would also include lands, nations, institutions, organizations and businesses. 

Empowerment and Release

Every person is powerful and significant. We believe in creating an environment where every person is given the freedom and encouragement to discover their God given Identity, and is equipped, activated and resourced in their call and mission for Kingdom advancement.


“We will be famous for our love.” We believe that authentic life-giving relationships are the currency of heaven. The Kingdom of God is transmitted from person to person as we value all people as a treasure from God.


We seek, expect and intentionally make room for the direct influence or action by God on earthly affairs through signs, wonders, miracles, all the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Charismata) and angelic beings.

Generosity (Resource Center)

We freely and passionately embrace a lifestyle of extravagant giving of all our resources including love, time, energy, gifts and talents, and finances to invest in the lives of others for the advancement of the Kingdom and the transformation the culture. 

Risk and Faith

We dream Big. Because of our confidence in the goodness and power of God, we see every circumstance and personal encounter as an opportunity to partner with Him to bring heaven to earth. Risk is swallowed up by Faith whereby any potential for loss becomes potential for gain as we act. 

Joy and Hope

The Holy Spirit is the happiest Person we know. We value the experience of joy that comes from abiding in His presence and being continuously filled with Him to intoxication. Laughter is medicine and joy is strength.